Associated Country Women of the World
SFWI is a category 4 member of ACWW which means it does not have any voting rights but it does actively encourage members to support the work done by ACWW. ACWW was founded in 1929 and one of the founders was Madge Watt. In 2017 it became a Charitable Organisation with C10 number 1174798. It has members in 84 countries.
The World President is Magdie de Kock who comes from South Africa. During the pandemic she held a virtual tea party and is encouraging members throughout the world to raise funds.
For more information why not visit their website at
And don’t forget it is possible to view the magazine of ACWW “The Countrywomen” digitally by logging on to the website and then clicking on membership.
Help us support ACWW and join us on Monday 3rd October at Milford Common at 6pm for Women Walk the World. Please download details and application form below.