Over 6000 WIs and 69 federations make up the National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI). Each level of the organisation is run by a committee of elected members.
The WI Constitution binds all three levels of the organisation together. Each WI is self-governing within its framework.
Local structure
When a woman joins a WI, she becomes a member of that WI and can participate in all aspects of her WI’s activities. This includes holding office and serving on a committee or sub-committee, taking part in meetings and having access to opportunities and information issued by her Federation and the NFWI. Membership is open to all women 18 and over by payment of the annual subscription.
Regional structure
Every WI belongs to a Federation – each with a regional office. Federations Trustees are the link between the NFWI and the WIs in their Federation. They are responsible for running the Federation and ensuring WIs follow the guidelines of the Charity Commission.
National structure
The national headquarters of the WI is located in Parsons Green, London. There is also an office in Cardiff for NFWI-Wales. The NFWI employs around 90 staff, headed by the CEO, Melissa Green.
Each level of the organisation is run by a committee of elected members. The NFWI Board of Trustees is democratically elected every two years by WI members. Trustees appoint four officers from their number: the Chair, the Honorary Treasurer and two Vice-Chairmen. The current NFWI Chair is Jeryl Stone.
WI Enterprises is the trading arm of The WI, which exists to raise funds to help finance the organisation’s aims and objectives. Enterprises also provide benefits for members, such as the WI membership magazine, WI Life.